A Dozen Good Eggs

Monday, August 12, 2013

a busy summer

I have spent more time in Philly than home this summer. Sophie and I are getting ready to go there again in just a few more days. She is having an arm surgery. We will be there about a week. School starts September 3. I really enjoy summer vacation but I am at the point I look forward to school. The kids are at each others throats more often than not after all this togetherness. A few kids need to go back to routine. they are lost without it and try as I might I cant muster a routine in summer around here. Ben spent the summer in plaster going back to philly again and again to correct his club feet by serial casting. He is on his last cast and waiting for his AFO to be ready. He will also see hand doctor when he goes back again. 3 of our kids will head to middle school this year. 5 more will stay in elementary. 1 in high school and 1 in college. The kids had a great summer at summer camp and also at Uncle Bob and Jeannies. I think that was the highlight of their summer. They will be talking about it for years to come no doubt. Eric volunteered as camp counselor this year. Im sure there are tons of things I wanted to mention here but currently there is much carrying on and I cant think of what they were.

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